Skin Medicine | Melasma
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What is melasma?


  • Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation, whereby patches of skin appear darker than surrounding areas, either as a brown or greyish colour. It typically occurs more commonly on the face or the stomach.


What causes melasma? 


  • It's not totally clear what cause melasma but studies suggest it's more common in women and people with darker skin, and could be linked to hormone sensitivity, for instance during pregnancy (that's why it's often also called "the mask of pregnancy").



What could trigger melasma?


  • As well as pregnancy, melasma can also be linked to high sun-exposure, taking birth control pills, skin irritations caused by creams or potentially genetics (although it is not considered hereditary).

Melasma treatment by Skin Medicine

​All of our treatments plans are bespoke to you, but we normally treat melasma using one - or a combination - of:



What's best for you will depend on your skin type and what you want to achieve. 


Just talk to us first and we'll discuss everything during an initial consultation.

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